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Saturday July 12, 2008

9:00am - Beach Lot


The 65th Annual Meeting of Highlands East River Civic Corporation was held on the Beach Lot.

The 65th Annual Meeting of HERCC was called to order by President Bob Cika and the Board of Management.

The first order of business was to accept the Minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting, which were unanimously approved.

Treasurer Rita Amaio presented the Annual Report for the period 7/1/07 to 6/30/08. Rita also explained that an audit of the books, as required by the By-Laws, was initiated by an outside agent who has worked for IRS; the audit should be completed very soon and will be distributed at that time. The Treasurer's Report was accepted unanimously by the membership.

On behalf of the Board, the Secretary reported that this year the seats of the Treasurer and three Board Members are open for election. The Board recommended as nominees: Rita Amaio, Amy Stefanowski and Jim O'Brien for re-election and Jennifer Eisele as a new Board Member. All present voted to accept this slate and these generous and active members were elected to serve two-year terms on the Board of Management.


Parking -- New parking signs have been posted on the fence. Please remind your guests to keep their cars off the road near the beach.

Roads ­ The speed bumps will be painted once there is a break in various construction projects, which have accounted for heavy truck traffic.

Shed ­ The Beach Shed doors have been repaired. Chairs, umbrellas and toys must be removed at the end of the season of they will be thrown out.

Beach Liability ­ Members are reminded that they, their guest and tenants use the beach, the swim float, the rights of way and the Beach Lot all at their own risk. As an association, we are liable for any injury or damage to people and property. Such costs can not only deplete our resources, but put our members at individual risk, as well, so please exercise caution and good sense.

Garbage ­ Ann Erda raised the issue of the numerous garbage trucks entering the Association and the related early morning noise and weight on our streets and speed bumps. Several members expressed an interest in joining forces to reduce the number of service providers, particularly if there is a rate reduction benefit. Rita offered to check with Bartlett and Jennifer offered to check with Tiger Pride to see if this would be a possibility. Stay tuned for more information on this good idea!

Zoning -- Ann Erda also kindly reminded summer residents that they can and should ask the Madison Zoning Board to forward notice of applications for remodeling or new construction to their winter addresses in order to stay fully informed of developments in the neighborhood.

Courtesy ­ A general discussion was held about neighborliness and courtesy. Please see box at left on barking dogs. Also, people discussed the fact that voices carry farther at night and asked for consideration on the beach, in particular. Members are asked to bring their guests to the beach (instead of sending them) or to alert others that they will be there for a set time period. Those undergoing construction are asked to remind workers not to begin until a reasonable hour (8:00 am) and to stop by 5:00, (although ending never seems to be much of a problem!) Finally, a reminder that the speed limit on our roads is a slow and safe 15 mph!

Thanks -- Paul Teich thanked the Association for its gift to him on behalf of all members; he also thanked members for their support of his family during his unfortunate illness. The group expressed its relief that Paul has recovered so nicely and wishes him continued good health.

Brian Burke thanked Rita for her lovely geranium arrangements at the Beach.

Mary Blank Memorial Sundial ­ The Sundial has been artfully installed by Jim O'Brien and Bob Cika, who reported that the dial keeps amazingly good time! A dedication ceremony will be held at the afternoon picnic, with members of Mary's family in attendance.

Fences ­ Our fences once again need to be scraped and painted. A member suggested replacing them with aluminum fencing so they don't need such regular maintenance; Sandy Podesta and Jennifer Eisele agreed to check on alternatives. Another member suggested the wood fences are so much more attractive that he would volunteer to paint them. Jennifer Eisele also suggested bringing in more of the neighborhood teenagers to help with this as part of their community spirit; Caroline Eisele was volunteered to help organize this very worthwhile activity. All members are urged to chime in with their opinions on this matter; additional volunteers are also needed so please urge/require your kids to demonstrate community spirit along with Caroline.

Shellfish Update -- Steve Nikituk reported on the restoration of shellfish here in Madison, which under his watchful eye, has included the monitoring and maintenance of our waters for clam harvesting. Steve et al. have become aquaculturists in order to grow oysters, quahogs and surf clams near the town dock in the Neck River, which has been a raving success. Madison has naturally-growing clams that are being harvested and nurtured. Steve invited everyone to come see the action: Wednesdays at 10am at the Town Dock; you may observe or volunteer with the upweller.

Annual Picnic and Parade -- Jennifer Eisele urged everyone to participate in the Parade with its special surprise for children (a fire truck complete with an actual firefighter!). Amy Stefanowski reminded members to bring appropriate dishes, especially appetizers, and to be prepared for the 8:30 firepit with S'mores and a Sing-a-long. Everyone expressed their delight at past events and their excitement and appreciation for this year's party!

Beautification ­ Ellen Cika reported that she added perennials, mulch and big stones to the western right of way and encouraged everyone to visit and remember our HERCC founders and her late mother, Grace Cross.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Podesta, Secretary