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Saturday July 15, 2006

9:00am - Beach Lot


The 63rd Annual Meeting of HERCC was called to order by President Mary Blank on a warm, sunlit summer morning. Our venerated President opened the meeting with an affectionate welcome to all and asked everyone to introduce themselves since we have several new members.

The first order of business was to accept the Minutes of the 2005 Annual Meeting, which were unanimously approved.

: Thanks to Rita Amaio and Amy Stefanowski for their work on the lovely beach planters and on providing and preparing the morning's refreshments.

Welcome: President Mary Blank welcomed our new members Amy Julia and Peter Becker and their daughter Penny from Lawrenceville, New Jersey, who recently purchased the Birdsey home -- and a new daughter, Shelby Morgan, born to proud parents Stephanie Sgambati and Chuck Nguyen-Tan and brother Nevin.

President's Letter to Membership
: Mary offered to take questions and comments on the letter of June 23, 2006 that she mailed to all members, however, none were raised.

Treasurer's Report: Rita Amaio reported on the Assocation's fiscal helath, providing more description this year to be sure all important points were clearly covered. Attached to these minutes are her reports; the second sheet is the Balance Sheet that shows HERCC's net worth. She noted a significant difference in the dues figures voer last year's figure because some of last year's dues were paid this year and appear on the attached report. (Dues average about $6000-7000 annually.) A $25 donation was made out of the goodness of their heartthanks. We get 4% on our cash in a MMA. Other income $598 was an insurance payment from Geico on the claim for the fence at Ridgewood and Neck was hit by a car. Expenses: beach maintenance includes new sand, when needed, benches, painting etc. Annual liability went up only 8%. Sea wall repair was minor cost. As was painting speed bumps. Our assessment went down from several thousand dollars to only $ because it is classified as open space. Audit coming up.

Secretary's Report: Secretary Sandy Podesta distributed the newly updated Member Directory, which includes handsome artwork from our members Bob Cika and Kim Ruggiero, whom she thanked for their generosity on behalf of all members. Please note the following two additions/corrections thyat need to be made to this new Directory:

Board of Directors

Board of Management Committee Reports: Mary Blank expressed her appreciation and thanks to the Board of Management for their efforts on behalf of the Assocation as a whole. Committee heads presented the following updates on their work:

Beach Cleaning: Bob Cika reported that this year's beach cleaning was a huge success and set an all time record for attendance. He noted that integral to this success may have been the champagne so integral to the mimosas that were served to all workers. The hard-working group also trimmed all the hedges that lined the far side of the beach, a rather time-consuming task.

Tom Connor: Insurance

Ken Finkle -- Boat Rack and Storage Shed -- paint on boat rack; please use new heavy duty latches to shut doors -- it drives neighbors crazy when the wind blows them. Top rack of boat rack boats should be tied down strapped down high winds can move them.

-Deb Paduda -- Hospitality and Picnic

-Bill Bussmann -- Snow Plowing, Reflectors and Picnic

-Paul Teich -- Speed Bumps and Roads -- going to seal the association roads in the fall after people leave and the hurricanes go. Note to me: Call Sealer Company get name from Paul. Mary thanked Paul for the nice new speed bumps. Paul reminded people to go 15 miles per hour; lots of kids on bikes etc.

On Jon Morrow's behalf, she also reported that Jon has been generously maintaining HERCC's website for several years at no cost to us. The free hosting provider that Jon had been using is now out of business; Jon has found a provider that would host our site for $240 per year, an expense the membership voted to approve -- with thanks to Jon for his efforts.

Board of Management Reports:

IX. Old Business
-Report on Association property's boundary line at 39 Soundview Avenue, where a fence in now in place, preceded by much appropriate letter writing. Mary supervised and is not in jail.

-Swim Float -- pending approval from Department of Environmental Protection: Mike Eisele. App submitted last July, pending since. They've asked twice for more information much of it ridiculous. Still waiting.

-Website -- Lauren Stef can help. Jon Morrow will do.


New Business
-Town request for Association's membership listing, which was denied due to our being a private association: correspondence by Sandy Podesta. Board decided not to respond since we speculate that it's only to raise taxes on members.

-Steve Nikituk -- Sandy N has volunteered to coordinate a network of tools, equipment etc. to lend to members. Wheelbarrows, tables, lawn spreaders, put on website. All voted yes.

-Steve on clams -- cherrystone clam experiment; put a bushel of clams in front of Mary's house a year ago. It was very difficult to reach the bed but it didn't take anyway. If anyone has any ideas of where to plant them that is more accessible, please let Steve know. The Circle Beach bed took just fine and is thriving.

-Mary Lou Fusi -- if no sell, academic rental. Needs home for two cats who want to stay in the neighborhood.

-Ellen told new members about right of way on Jon's property to go to bench and beach.

Parade and picnic -- Jennifer Eisele runs games. Come to see picnic.
Election of Officers and Board of Management
-Nominations from Board and from membership at large


On behalf of the Board, the Secretary read the revised By-Law that requires staggered elections, noting that this year the seats of the President, Secretary and three Board Members are open for election. The Board recommended that those currently serving in these position be re-elected and then opened the floor for additional nominations. As no other nominations were made, the membership voted and the following were unanimously elected: Mary Blank as President to serve another two years; Sandy Podesta as Secretary to serve another two years; Bob Cika, Deb Paduda and Paul Teich as Members to serve two-year terms.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Podesta
Sandy Podesta, Secretary