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July 21, 2001 9:00 am Beach Lot


Refreshments were provided by Rita Amaio.

The 58th Annual Meeting of HERCC Members was called to order by President Brian Burke. Brian opened the meeting with a warm welcome to new members Jeanne and Darin Porter, Janet and Bob Izzo, Ruthanna Terrari, Joe and Deb Paduda and Rosemary and Sal Brunetto, the latter of whom have resumed living here year-round.

Brian also remembered those members and their families who have passed away during the year including Jennie Houlihan, Mary Blank's brother Danny, Jim Mattheis, and the son of former members Ed and Gloria Sack. A moment of silence was observed.

President Brian Burke reported that this year has been a positive and quiet one, with no major problems or issues having reared their heads. He informed the membership that he is in the process of negotiating with our snow plower, who destroyed several of our speed bumps, regarding repair and replacement. Brian then opened to floor to the Treasurer and Committee Heads.

Treasurer Jon Morrow reported that the Association is, once again, in fine fiscal shape. He distributed relevant financial statements, copies of which are attached, remarking that the Budget might be affected should jetty repairs become immediately necessary. Jon noted that nine members presently have dues payment outstanding and asked that they please submit payment at once.


- Boat Rack Committee ­ Committee head Kim Ruggiero reports that the boat rack is currently full. Kim has kindly attached to each slot on the boat rack waterproof labels with the name of the person whose boat may be kept there. She asked that members check to ensure that their boats are where they should be and to contact her at 245-3566 with any questions or discrepancies. A copy of the Boat Rack Assignments is attached.

- Jetty Committee -- The committee reports that it has met with Connecticut River Dock and Dredge and requested an estimate for repairing the jetty. Apparently, worms are eating the wood in the jetty, making it urgent to launch repairs now, rather than attempt rebuilding later. The committee is looking into replacing missing boards and re-bolting the entire jetty. It believes that repair is essential due to the potential difficulty getting permission to rebuild it once it is destroyed.

- Sign Committee -- The Sign Committee is looking into replacing the facades that welcome members into the Association's environs. Rita Amaio is taking charge of this important effort.

-Tag and Bake Sale Committee -- The committee has selected Saturday, September 22 for this year's tag and bake sale, which will once again take place on Sandy Podesta's yard at 282 Neck Road. Please note that, unlike in previous years, at this year's Sale donors will need to remove their own unsold items. The Tag and Bake Sale has proven to be a profitable way to repay HERCC expenses so everyone's participation is welcome. All members are invited to join the fun by calling either Kim Ruggiero (245-3566) or Sandy (245-6038.) See additional information attached.

AFTERNOON FESTIVITIES: The President directed everyone's attention to the schedule for the afternoon parade, games and picnic and thanked those who volunteered to make the day a special one.

BOARD OF MANAGEMENT ELECTION: Members nominated, elected and welcomed Tom Hynes as their new President to serve for a term of two years. Brian Burke was nominated and elected to serve as a member of the Board, also for two years. Board Members Mike Eisele, Rita Amaio and Jim O'Brien were unanimously re-elected to subsequent two-year terms. All will serve terms of two years.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Sandy Podesta, Secretary