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Minutes of the Board of Management Meeting
April 12, 2008

The HERCC Board of Management met at the home of Bob and Ellen Cika. Present were:, President Bob Cika, Treasurer Rita Amaio, Secretary Sandra Podesta and Members Ken Finkle, Jon Flatow, Jim O'Brien, and by phone, Amy Stefanowski. Members Stephanie Sgambati and Bill Bussmann were absent due to previous obligations and sorely missed.



President Bob Cika called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. The Board discussed the following topics:

Acceptance of Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes from the previous meeting of November 6, 2007. All present voted in favor.

HERCC Property
In its latest reassessment, the town of Madison valued our Beach Lot at $265,300, which we appealed based on the lot's designation as Open Space. We are pleased to report that our efforts resulted in the assessment being reduced to $1800. Let's hear it for the Board! Special thanks to those involved, including Mike Eisele, Bob Cika and yours truly.

Bob reported that there have been no new developments surrounding the Willenkins' ongoing pursuit of the use of Association property abutting their driveway. The last proposal from the Willenkins included the granting by HERCC of a walking easement, which would include taking down the fence that currently denotes the property lines. This proposal was rejected and their lawyer notified in December 2007. The Board will present to all members at the 2008 Annual Meeting any new developments that may arise between now and then.

Secretary's Report
The Secretary reported that, with minimal changes to the membership this past year, we will not need to assume the costly reprinting of the Membership Directory. Changes, additions and deletions will be solicited at the Annual Meeting and distributed to all along with the minutes following that meeting.

Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Rita Amaio presented her report for the period of July 2007 to March 2008,
An impressive total income figure reflects the inclusion of a $7500 new member fee.
A higher than normal expense figure reflects the one-time costs to purchase the swim float and the Mary Blank Memorial Sundial as well as two snowplowing bill from 2007 that were presented for payment only recently. (Fortunately, a relatively mild winter kept overall snowplowing costs at a minimum.)
The $391 Insurance Rider for the swim float has been added to the Liability policy and is in effect and fully paid.
Also fully paid and in effect are the General Liability Insurance coverage that protects the Association and the $2 million Directors/Officers Liability coverage.
Bills for HERCC Annual Dues will be mailed in May. The Board is pleased to report that we continue to have very low dues compared with other associations in the area and that there will be no increase in dues this year. Should we have a catastrophic event in the future, we may be forced to raise the dues at that time to cover any repair or other costs that would be incurred as a result.
The Board approved an outside auditor to review our books this year, as called for in the By-Laws.

Amy reported that there is a loose bolt in the jetty. Bob asserted that he would join forces with our other resident handymen to repair it during a cooperating low tide. She also reported that our faithful Beach Raker has left town and we need to find a replacement as this adds enormously to the beauty of our beach. A suggested was made, which will be pursued with results reported to the members.

No Parking Signs
Bob Cika is in the process of installing No Parking signs at the beach as well as new reflector poles.

Board of Management Elections
This year, Board terms expire for our Treasurer and Board Members Amy Stefanowski, Ken Finkle and Jim O'Brien. The Board will present a slate of nominees to the membership at the Annual Meeting. Anyone interested in running or nominating someone for election should contact any current Board Member. Nominations may also be made at the Annual Meeting.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Podesta, Secretary