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Minutes of the Board of Management Meeting
August 26, 2008

The Board of Management held a meeting at 7:00pm at the home of President Bob Cika on Tuesday, August 26, 2008. Those attending were: Rita Amaio, Bill Bussmann, Bob Cika, Stephanie Sgambati, Jim O'Brien. Absent were Jennifer Eisele, Jonathan Flatow, Sandy Podesta and Amy Stefanowski. Rita Amaio kindly took the minutes.


President Bob Cika called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. The Board discussed the following topics:

Beach Enhancement
Bob Cika proposed that the Association approve the funding of approximately $300.00 to purchase seed clams to be placed off the Association beach at the sandbar. The purchase of approximately 300 clams would be made from a nursery in Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y. After a brief discussion, the Board approved the expense. The Association members will be able to harvest the clams for their own personal enjoyment.

Sand Box:
The sand box at the beach needs to be replenished. Jim O'Brien will arrange for the sand delivery and the cost will be approximately $186.00. A discussion ensued about different options to minimize the sand loss when the waves reach the level of the sand and it washes away. There are some beach grasses and/or plants that can be used or possibly "snow fences" are also effective. The topic was tabled for further discussion.

Boat Rack:
Boats and kayaks will have to be removed from the boat rack by December 1st. The rack will be painted and names will be placed in each spot on the rack. There are a number of kayak and small rafts left on the grass behind the boat rack that present obstacles for lawn mowing. These have to be removed and kept at the homes of those that own them.

Neighborhood Enhancement
Fences and Speed Bumps:
The fences and speed bumps are in need of painting. Carlos Reyna (former gardener of Mary Blank's) painted the speed bumps in the past. Rita will contact him to see if he will do the job again.


Treasurer's Report:
Annual Picnic:
Rita gave a brief Treasurer's Report for the period 5/1/08 through 7/31/08 focusing on the Annual Picnic costs. The income from the picnic was $552.50 and the expenses totaled $1,025.01, with the tent and table rental of $422.15, a first-time expense. She reported that all the dues have been received and posted to the accounts.

The audit of the financial records of the Association for 1/1/06 through 6/30/08 is complete. The audit report will be signed and submitted to the Board. The audit found the financial transactions to have been properly recorded and the operational procedures adequate for the audit period.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Podesta and Rita Amaio